Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Digital TV: Argentina 'stealing' Brazilian market in Latin America

While government policy for the production of equipment for digital TV follows the indefinite Rousseff government, the government tries to fill the vacuum left by Brazil. Last week, it was reported that Venezuela will buy 300,000 digital converters DTT and 13 stations. Agreement is valued at $ 51 million.

The agreement was signed between the Minister of Argentina, Julio de Vido, and the Minister of Science and Technology of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza. According to the president of the Venezuelan state television, CANTV, Manuel Fernandez, the first seven DTT stations will be in great instaldas Caracas, capital of the country and will benefit about 7 million inhabitants, 25% of the population. For this population is also being commissioned to import 300 000 converters.

In Brazil, industrial policy favoring the use of converters into the TV. Both the government struck a deal with manufacturers to enforce the use of Ginga, national interactive software in 75% of handsets in 2013.

The production of isolated converters - big bet Lula government intervention in the management of Helio Costa, in front of the Ministry of Communications - no longer strategic, although the old TVs still have a strong impact on the country-based TVs.

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